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2004: A weird guy launches Facebook and will later get incredibly rich. Justin Timberlake unveils Janet Jackson's breast at the Super Bowl. And the strongest earthquake in 40 years hits Asia. Another phenomenon shakes the world largely unnoticed: Holly Heartbreak and Louie Lovechild form The Lucky Couple. The Duo comes out of nowhere and conquers with their first love song "Out of Darkness" - the nothingness . Never officially published and heard by almost no one, the song disappears into oblivion.


2009: Barak Obama, the first black president of the USA, takes office. The financial crisis shakes the world. And with Michael Jackson, the King of Pop dies. The Lucky Couple shakes the planet again: "You Are The Only One", a second track about eternal love, sets the spheres in vibration. Does the duo take up the King of Pop's legacy with this? By no means. The piece is never officially published and once again heard by almost no one. Poof.


2023: Memories of a pandemic, wars, crises and disasters. Murder and mayhem. High time for The Lucky Couple, well matured and one big step closer to absolute nothingness now, to shake up humanity again - with glamour and lighthearted songs about love, hate and other absurdities. A handful glam-art-pop-punk songs are created, recorded on the island of Tinos in Greece. The first single "Have Some Tea" is released on January 11, 2024 together with a exquisite music videoSo fans can for the first time dive into the world of The Lucky Couple. Piece by piece new songs and videos will be published throughout 2024, 2025, etc. (See also


The songs are about apple trees, the influence of the moon, they tell of sailors who become captains and murderous shrimps and - how could it be otherwise? - about eternal love. They bring a ray of sunshine into a dark world, they dispel bad moods with ease, they glitter and sparkle.​​


And then, Glam-Bam! For the animated music video "Perfect Ease of Mind" The Lucky Couple wins first the Award for the "Best Music Video" at Oslo Film Festival 2024, gets an "Special Mention" of the London Worldwide Commedy Short Film Festival 2024 and - BAM! - wins the Award for the "Best Animated Music Video" at the Los Angeles Movie and Music Video Awards 2025!​


What does the The Lucky Couple do? Louie Lovechild and Holly Heartbreak almost die of happiness, slouch on the sofa to watch another TV-Show while Louie scratches his belly and Holly shoves another piece of chocolate between her incredibly seducing lips.


Who is behind The Lucky Couple? On the one hand, the irresistibly seductive Holly Heartbreak, who enchants fans with her charm and glamour. At her side, the incredibly attractive Louie Lovechild, who penned the glam-pop-punk songs.


But are they serious? Is it a joke or some kind of art performance? Does it matter? No, because The Lucky Couple brings the word luck back to love.

And the central question: will the glamorous duo disappear into nothingness again? Absolutely. Eventually.


Behind the scene

Behind the glam-pop-art-punk band The Lucky Couple stand the writer and musician Jan Graber, known for his rock-death-poetry project Todgesagt (, and the artist Alexandra Carambellas ( They live in Zurich and Athens, with one foot in London.

Cut flowers hanging on a wall.
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